Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bad things happen when you DJ w/an XC bike and clipless pedals

Note to self: when you get that little feeling that you shouldn't do something, you should probably listen. I actually SAID to my neighbor and another friend that was over, I shouldn't be doing this (DJ'ing on the Fuel w/the seat post WAY too high and clipless pedals). Well I did it anyways and as soon as I hit the lip I knew it was bad. I tried to hit the eject button, but didn't get a clean release due to the clipless pedeals. I hit the ground HARD, resulting in a calcaneal fracture. My entire life could have gone by without learning about THAT bone. Chuck drove me to the hospital and 9 days later I had surgery. Three hours, one plate, 1o screws, and a quote from the orthopedic surgeon later, "at one point I stopped counting the bone fragments"...gee doc, you could have left THAT neat little detail out. This brings the total to 18 fractures. I am beginning to think my new screen name should be "scarred and broken"...

The outside a few days after surgery

The inside several weeks after surgery


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